Specialist in tiling – Earthenware

Specialist in tiling – Earthenware, Si-javais-su.fr

Specialist in tiling – Earthenware, Si-javais-su.fr is Discounter and destocking with more than 10,000 square meters of tiles and faience. So, everything is immediately available in our store.That is why, Si j’avais Su offers a very large selection, impeccable quality, and unbeatable prices.

SI J’avais Su  has become an expert in tile and earthenware on Redon, Ille et Vilaine 35. What situates us between the Morbihan and the Loire Atlantique.

Live from manufacturers and factories, Si j’avais Su answer all your questions concerning the construction or renovation of your home

Our goal is to make you customized aesthetic and attractive term, offers the best quality price and therefore tailored to your budget ..
In the art of tile and earthenware, we claim we have acquired through our direct relationships built with 30 groins of Italian and Spanish factories since 2002 expertise.

The store offers a wide choice of tiles, 1st choice in Faenza in formats, aspects and very different colors, with immediate availability of over 10,000 square meters !!!

Si J’avais Su will bring you the most suitable also for your paintings solutions (undercoat, special walls and ceiling, .. matt velvet or satin, Facades) you will only find great brands at prices extremely competitive
In Si J’avais Su you’ll also find paneling, flooring, flooring (laminate, hardwood, solid, Bamboo), wood moldings, worktops, Lumber, poles, decking, Clin, agricultural Cladding etc …
To be well with you . We proceed first with !!! …


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